Friday, September 30, 2011

Flip Books

Today's animation is mainly computers and software. While looking at stuff to blog about this week, I stumbled on a really cool video that got me thinking about flip books and the history of animation. Patented by John Barnes Linnett, the flip book was first seen in September of 1868, and was called a kineograph (very similar to the name of our blog, eh?). Flip books were the first form of animation to employ a linear sequence of images rather than circular. I found this really fun flip book-like animation, but instead of on paper the animation is on balloons.

Basically, flip books are a primitive form of animation. Like motion pictures and animation, flip books rely on the persistence of vision to create the illusion that continuous motion is being seen rather than a series of discontinuous images being exchanged in succession.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is also available to make digital flip books with the professional pdf flip book creator. You can add this to the video.

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