Friday, November 28, 2014

Jurassic Park: The Making Of

With the recently released trailer for the newest addition to the Jurassic park saga, Jurassic World, I was inspired to revisit the origins of this series with the original movie and how it was made. Produced by Amblin Entertainment, Kathleen Kennedy, and Gerald Molen, Jurassic Park is what I consider to be one of Steven Spielberg’s best directed films. It’s weird to think that a film that I was absolutely obsessed with (and mildly terrified of) came out over twenty years ago. And taking the time to re-experience it, I have to say that it is a film that has certainly withstood the test of time. Especially considering the quality of their special effects, their rigs, and their innovative approach to putting dinosaurs onto the big screen.

At this point, if you’ve ever been interested in how they brought these ancient creatures to life, you might have heard everything from animatronics to green screens. And the fascinating thing about Jurassic Park is it utilized a combination of everything from giant malfunctioning T-Rex robots, to animated raptors, to green-screened sections of the actors staring up at nothing (while pretending they're experiencing what is the possibly one of the most extraordinary things a human can hope to witness).

Taking the time to at least browse through how they handled different situations (which I personally suggest watching the T-Rex animatronic), is a great way to inspire new and creative ways to approach projects of our own. If anything, it's definitely something that's worth watching just for the pure joy of knowing how they made such an iconic film.

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