Thursday, March 27, 2014

Walt Disney

This video was shown in another class of mine and I find it relevant to what we do in Motion Graphics.
The Story of the Animated Drawing is an episode of the Disneyland television program. Walt Disney is explaining throughout the vid the history of animation. In the 1950's, animation for a movie was much more difficult. Everything for a cartoon movie was done physically by hand. There is a person devoted to changing the scenes by using the kinetograph and other devices as well as a person devoted to music. The most interesting part is that the audience had no idea how much work was put into showing that movie.

I tried making a simple flip book with a stack of post-its, it wasn't impossible but it was definitely time consuming. Also you can't take the post-its apart because the adhesive wont stick the same and it wont be aligned perfectly. Fun task but imagine having to make a flip book for an entire episode of a show. Tough work! we're fortunate today to have all these programs with plugins that make our life so much easier.

1 comment :

  1. Great video. This video was shown in another class of mine and I find it relevant to what we do in Motion Graphics.
    police car videos for kids
