Friday, January 31, 2014

This Is Hard But Maybe One Day I Won't Suck

I saw this trailer for the movie Malificent premiere at the Grammys and I immediately fell in love with it. The selling point was the haunting cover of Once Upon A Dream by Lana Del Rey. I firmly believe music can be the most important factor in a video and, after watching it with and without the sound turned on, it's easy to tell how much of a difference the audio makes.

I came back to the video after our last class and watched through it once more, and I had an anxiety attack after seeing how complicated and brilliant the special effects are, and realizing how much difficulty I had even adding a sparkler to a terrible animation of my 4-letter name. It's extremely intimidating. I wanted to make my post about this subject because at the same time, it's a motivation to one day be able to create amazing special effects like these.

And maybe animate my name.

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