Thursday, April 16, 2015


THE DANGEROUS ONES - A NINJA LOVE IS BLIND STORY is an animated youtube short film. It is about a minute and thirty seconds long. It is an adorable little work of art that if you can find the 2 minutes to spare might make you laugh. 

The Plot is based around a male ninja dressed in black that is eating at a diner. He turns around and sees a Female Ninja dressed in red and seems to like her. He grabs a flower off of his center piece and approaches her wishing to give her the flower. However, she thinks he is attacking her so she kicks his ass up and down the block. 
Finally after he is laying on the ground in pain she realizes that he was only trying to give her a flower and she reaches out to take it and then a sign that was damages as she was fighting him falls and launches him out into the air. 

Here is a link to the page, Click Here

Also the creator Yutub Maker has a lot of other entertaining content so if you get a chance check out his channel

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