Thursday, September 24, 2015

Once Upon a Time Title Sequence

For my next project I'd like to create an opening title sequence for ABC's Once Upon A Time. Currently the show's opening sequences are about 7 seconds in length, simply showcasing the title of the show and along with a mythical creature, person, or item that foreshadows what the current episode is going to be about. The following is a video including Once Upon A Time's episode openings through Season 2:

I'd obviously like to elaborate on this and create a sequence that tells a bit more of the story and includes appropriate credits. The following song is the perfect base to begin animating: 

This song, entitles "Henry's Proposal," I think does a great job of communicating the confusion, tentativeness, realization, and excitement that Henry--one of the main characters--finds in unfolding the magical tale that surrounds his life. 

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